Hydration Drip in Houston, TX
Hydration Drip
Struggling to Stay Hydrated in Houston, TX?
Proper hydration is essential for keeping your body nourished and providing the building blocks needed for daily optimal performance.
Replenish and rebalance with our hydration IV drip therapy in Houston. Infused with electrolytes, antioxidants, and B-vitamins, our drip helps flush out toxins, prevent heatstroke, and improve recovery after workouts or late nights out.
Each session delivers the equivalent of 2 gallons of oral hydration, so you’ll feel the benefits of proper hydration by the time you leave!
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- 79 Members

Main Benefits
- Flushing out toxins
- Preventing heatstroke
- Easing symptoms after a night out
- Speeding up post-workout recovery
When to Drip
- Symptoms of dehydration: dry skin, dark urine
- Excessive sweating, vomiting, intense activity
- Boost metabolism and burn calories faster
- Improve allergy and asthma conditions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Iv Therapy?
Intravenous (IV) vitamin drips deliver replenishing fluids, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly to the body for maximum absorption. This allows the nutrients to flood your body and nourish itself at a higher level. Using this method, we can safely deliver larger doses that would otherwise not be fully absorbed from oral supplements. IV drips can be used proactively to maintain optimum wellness and treat acute and chronic conditions.
Are Revived Infusions Safe?
Yes, our infusions are safe and administered by a board-certified Registered Nurse using pediatric-size catheters, making the process minimally invasive and as comfortable as possible for our clients. Our medical professionals evaluate and monitor each patient during infusions to ensure their protection. Additionally, at Revived, our top-quality IV Infusions contain vitamins, minerals, and amino acids from FDA registered 503A & 503B accredited pharmacies.
What is in the Iv Bag?
The Revived drips are in uniform with the IV’s you would find at your local hospital. We carry and administer the same hospital-grade ingredients, supplies, and equipment with all our drips, boosters, and shots. We only use first-rate vitamins, minerals, and amino acids from FDA-certified pharmacies.
How Long Does an Infusion Take?
It varies. Depending on your specific treatment, most of our drips take anywhere between 30-45 minutes. Our boosters and shots are conveniently added to the drips or administered directly to the patient. This process adds little to no time to the total drip.
Is There Anything I Should Do in Preparation for an Iv Drip?
We recommend drinking plenty of water, having a balanced meal before your appointment, and wearing a comfortable, breathable shirt.
Are Revived Drips Most Effective Before, During, or After Partying, Illness, Stress, or Events?
All the above. Our drips are designed to prepare and replenish your body from the strenuous activities you put it through. The vitamins and minerals in our IVs will help with rejuvenation and advanced recovery. Whether you are feeling under the weather, fatigued from overexertion or jetlag, or depleted from a night of overconsumption, we are here to help!
How Often Do I Have to Get an Iv for It to Be Effective?
Most of our patients see dramatic results after their first IV. The rejuvenating effects on your body depend on your nutritional demands and hydration status. Our patients who receive IVs regularly may obtain optimal hydration and healthy balance. Some receive infusions a few times a week, while others return as needed. We also have package options for boosters between IVs to carry you through in between drips. Revived can tailor your IV therapy to accommodate your body’ demands.
Are There Any Side Effects During the Iv Process?
No significant side effects are generally seen. Occasionally, our clients might report cooling their arms or a warm sensation as certain nutrients enter their bloodstream. These are normal occurrences.